Non-Motorized Application Deadline- September 15, 2015
Amount: No minimum or maximum limit
Match: 12% of the total project cost
Eligibility: Cities and Counties;
Districts; State Agencies, Federal Agencies
Non-Profit Organizations with management responsibilities of public lands
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds annually for recreational trails and trail-related projects. The RTP is administered at the federal level by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). It is administered at the state level by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). Non-motorized projects are administered by the Department's Office of Grants and Local Services and motorized projects are administered by the Department's Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. The non-motorized RTP funds recreation trail projects for pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians that may also serve as non-motorized transportation corridors, including: Construction of new trails or expanding/linking trails; Renovation of existing trails; Pedestrian bridges over roads and waterways; Development of Trailhead Facilities; Development of Trailside Features; and Landscaping and Habitat Restoration.