Rubber Sidewalk Demo Kit

Rubberway Sidewalk Demo Kit

The Rubberway® Sidewalk Demo Kit is supplied to enable experienced contractors to install a test site or small area of rubber sidewalk. This kit is for our dual layer system which utilizes a base layer of crumb rubber with a surface wear layer of colored EPDM virgin rubber. 

Each Demo Kit contains the materials necessary for the installation or repair of an area up to 25 square feet, based on a 1" thick base layer and a 1/2" thick color EPDM wear layer.

EPDM colors available include Terra Cotta Red, Cocoa Brown, Light Gray, Dark Gray, Tan, and Beige. Other colors are available on special order.


Rubberway/USSA accepts no responsibility for the resulting repair in terms of successful application or durability, or in color matching, fall height, or any other performance or appearance characteristics.

To order a Rubberway Sidewalk Demo Kit, please contact us. 

Copyright © 1997-2025 Rubberway, Inc. (A Subsidiary of World Recycling Surfacing Group)